Empowering Veterans
through the Healing Arts
Visionary Veterans is a Female Led,
Veteran Organized, 501(c)3 nonprofit providing Veterans with Transformational Retreats and Community Building Opportunities.
Our Mission
…Veterans with Community and Tools for Healing
…Using the Healing Arts and Entheogenic Medicine Retreats
…Sacred Spaces that Activate the Collective of Change Makers
70% of Veterans are not enrolled in the VA
22-44 Veterans a day lose their lives to suicide.
11% experience suicidal ideation. 18% who use drugs consider suicide, and 30% attempt it. 50% of Veterans don’t seek help for PTSD.
1 in 3 female Veterans report experiencing Military Sexual Trauma.
There is not enough support for Veterans outside of the traditional VA medical model.
We aim to change the narrative to focus on post traumatic growth for our Veterans.
We want to end the loneliness epidemic and connect veterans to healthy communities to keep them inspired and connected.
We’re committed to empowering the transformation Veterans make through collective liberation.